Housing & Supportive Services
Housing Services
The first issue MOMMAS House addresses is homelessness; by providing a safe and stable living environment for a mother and her child(ren). MOMMAS House provides Transitional Housing and Emergency Shelter.
Transitional Housing: MOMMAS House flagship program since 1986. In this program the young mothers and their children may live in MOMMAS House for up to two years while they work towards individualized goals to help them achieve self-sufficiency and prepare them for independent living. Mothers apply directly to MOMMAS House for admission, call our office for more information and to schedule an intake appointment, if eligible.
Emergency Shelter: In coordination with the Nassau County Department of Social Services, MOMMAS House provides short-term emergency housing to pregnant and parenting homeless youth mothers and their babies. The main focus of this program is to help stabilize the mother by ensuring she and her child(ren) are receiving all necessary services and accessing available community resources. Then MOMMAS House will assist the family in searching for long-term housing. All referrals for Emergency Shelter must go through the Nassau County Department of Social Services - Emergency Housing Unit. Those seeking emergency shelter should report in-person to Nassau County DSS at 60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard, Uniondale, NY 11553. General Information at Nassau DSS: 516-227-8519, After-Hours Services: 516-573-8626.
In each of these programs MOMMAS House also supplies food and all basic needs and household supplies, utilities, telephone / computer / internet access and laundry facilities.
Permanent Housing: MOMMAS House purchased a Two-Family Home in 2005 and operates a Permanent Supportive Housing Program for two formerly homeless families at a time, with continued support services and income-based rental assistance.
Support Services
Case Management
All clients in our housing programs receive comprehensive case management services including:
Mainstream Benefits & Community Resources: Assisting client with applying for and continuing mainstream benefits as needed – such as local DSS, SSI/SSD, WIC, etc. Regularly accompanies clients to appointments and follows up with documentation, advocacy and general case management. Additionally, connecting clients with any community resources available to assist them towards moving to independent living. Seeking out and arranging workshops to be presented to the clients in the shelter on topics relevant to life skills, employment, parenting, financial management, etc.
Education & Employment: Assisting clients with identifying goals regarding education and employment and developing plan for accomplishing goals including referrals and assistance with applying to schools, tutoring services, vocational training programs, employment assistance programs, job readiness programs, etc. This may be High School, GED preparation classes, College, Business School, or a more specific vocational training program. Tutoring and other classes are offered as needs become apparent.
When educational goals have been reached the young mother must seek full-time employment in order to prepare for independent living. The Social Work staff works with the resident and various employment assistance programs to help the resident through this process.
Child Care: Provides verbal and written guidance on and assistance with accessing safe and appropriate child care, including referrals to the local child care council and experienced providers in the community and provision of paperwork needed to obtain child care assistance.
MOMMAS House is also currently working on resuming the provision of on-site child care in our residences.
Housing: Assists clients in identifying obstacles to client obtaining permanent housing – including financial resources, lack of independent living skills, etc. Identifying steps needed to overcome obstacles. Works with client on increasing financial resources, budgeting, credit building, etc. Providing Housing Search Guidance verbally and in writing to assist client in their search. Exploring potential support systems that client could seek permanent housing with. Providing client all necessary documents to obtaining assistance with permanent housing – such as DSS Housing Search Form, Offering Letter, etc. Referrals to and assistance with applying to eligible housing assistance programs such as SPA, Section 8, etc.
Medical, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment: Ensuring clients have active health insurance coverage and assistance applying for such. Referrals to local medical providers and pediatricians as well as informing clients of clinics and hospitals in the local area. Assessing clients for the need for mental health and/or substance abuse treatment, including screening new mothers for post-partum depression and for suicidal risk. Referrals to appropriate treatment providers in the local community. Assistance with arranging transportation to appointments. Coordination with the client’s treatment providers to ensure the client is getting the help they need and continuing that support in the shelter. Providing short term crisis intervention, counseling and mediation of conflicts as they arise.
Legal Assistance: Referrals for legal assistance for any of the client’s legal involvements. Direct assistance with Family Court – Paternity, Custody and Child Support Petitions. Guidance, advocacy and support of client throughout proceedings.
During the first 8-12 weeks after the baby is born, each young mother is encouraged to bond with her infant. During their time at MOMMAS House, the young mothers are provided with a supportive environment, strongly focused on the mother-child relationship and the development of parenting skills. Parenting Education classes led by a pediatrician and staff guidance instruct the young mothers in proper child care, thereby helping to minimize neglect often associated with teenaged motherhood.
Life Skills
Ongoing workshops include: Nutrition, Financial Literacy & Budgeting, Health Care, Domestic Violence, Sexual Integrity & Health, Self-Esteem, Reading & Writing, Communication Skills, Food Preparation, Stress Management and Yoga. The mothers learn how to maintain a household through daily chores and food preparation with guidance from the on site House Manager.
Early Intervention
All children are referred for Early Intervention Evaluations to identify developmental delays and learning disabilities as early as possible, particularly if the mother received inadequate prenatal care. If Early Intervention services are granted, the services may take place at MOMMAS House.
Drive to Thrive Program
The Drive to Thrive program addresses the need for the young mothers of MOMMAS House to be capable of transporting themselves and their children. In this program MOMMAS House assists the mothers in obtaining their Learner's Permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles, enrolls the mothers in driving school, which prepares them to take a road test, with the ultimate goal of enabling them to earn their Driver's License. MOMMAS House also seeks out car donations from the public to give our working mother's a start on their road to independence!
Advocacy: In addition to advocating for the young mothers through direct help navigating complex public assistance, legal, housing and healthcare systems,. MOMMAS House also approaches advocacy on a broader front. An end to homelessness and securing rights for young families is possible through the development of key partnerships. MOMMAS House works in collaboration with local and state entities to advocate for homeless families. We are an active member of the Long Island Continuum of Care (LI CoC) to help address the needs of young single-mother households under the poverty line, food insecurity and housing. Our Director, Deirdre Trumpy, sits on the CoC Governance Board and helps shape local policy. We partner with the Department of Social Services offering emergency housing to young mothers and their babies. MOMMAS House advocates for young mothers on a state level as well, attending state sponsored programs and helping address homelessness within our area of expertise. Together, we secure new and increased resources as well as helping to make ending homelessness a priority.